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Unity of Thought is a Baha’i-inspired project created to expand awareness and stimulate thinking about important subjects that affect each one of us in our everyday lives.

We live in a time of rapid, often unsettling change. People today survey the transformations underway in the world with mixed feelings of anticipation and dread, of hope and anxiety. Essential questions about our identity and the nature of the relationships that bind us together are being raised.

Progress in science and technology represents hope for addressing many of the challenges, but such progress is itself a powerful force of disruption. Some of the most formidable problems facing humanity – those dealing with the human condition and requiring moral and ethical decisions – cannot be solved through science and technology alone.

Religion’s place as an authority and a guiding light both in the public sphere and in the private lives of individuals has undergone a profound decline in the last century. Yet a re-awakening of humanity’s longing for meaning and for spiritual connection is finding expression.

The teachings of Baha’u’llah help us understand the transformations underway. At the heart of His message are two core ideas. First is the incontrovertible truth that humanity is one, a truth that embodies the very spirit of the age, for without it, it is impossible to build a truly just and peaceful world. Second is the understanding that humanity‘s great faiths have come from one common Source and are expressions of one unfolding religion.

Inspired by the principle of the oneness of humankind, Baha’is believe that the advancement of a materially and spiritually coherent world will require the contributions of countless high-minded individuals, groups, and organizations, for generations to come.

The purpose of this website is to collect and make available the wisdom of spiritual thinkers who inspire others in the application of spiritual principles in their daily lives. The ultimate goal is to promote the realization that we are all in this together. Each one of us is responsible, in the decisions we make and the actions we take, to elevate our own spiritual condition while we contribute toward an ever-advancing civilization.

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